Upload your music and get on the global stage

Get your music on Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, YouTube, Tidal, Tencent, Pandora and more.
Keep 100% ownership of your music and stay in control of your career. Unlimited Releases.

The Real Flow is the world’s leading music distributor. Your Music
will be available on 150+ streaming platforms
around the world.

Choose flow

  • We get your music out to the world to hear, on more than 150 digital platforms and countries.
  • Need help coming up with your release strategy? Our Specialists can help.
  • Pay One yearly fee for unlimited uploads, including the major social media platforms (IG, TIKTOK, etc.)
  • Our dashboard gives you the information you need to make good business decisions; where your music is selling, where you need more resources and how much money your releases are generating each month
  • We are Web 3.0 New features include QR codes, NFT's personal wallet, smart contracts and more


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